Tips for Manifesting in 2024

It’s a new year and a chance for new beginnings! For those wanting to make 2024 a prosperous year, we have a few tips on manifesting your desires for the year ahead. You can use these tips when working with Universal energies or whatever spiritual being or deity you choose.

What Are Your Desires for 2024?

To manifest your goals or desires, you must first decide what you want to bring to fruition. You will need to be very clear about what you wish to manifest. Once you have figured that out, you need to work on aligning yourself with those desires. Remember that manifestation is about using the Law of Attraction to draw in good luck and powerful energy to bring your dreams into reality. It is an exchange of energy between you and the Universe (or Deity). What energy you send out is what you will get in return. So be clear and certain about what it is that you want to manifest and align yourself accordingly.

Aim For the Possible!

With magic, almost anything is possible, but to some degree. Another thing you want to consider when choosing what you want to manifest is obtainability. Whatever your desires, make sure they are measurable and obtainable. This is important because if you set your expectations too high you will only set yourself up for failure and disappointment. For example, if you want to manifest more money in your life, don’t try manifesting winning the lottery. Instead, focus on something smaller and more obtainable such as getting a raise at your job or even a new better paying job opportunity. Focus on something more likely to be a possibility that you can work towards rather than something that is left to chance and more of a shot in the dark.

Visualization is Key!

Once you have landed on your truest desire and are ready to start manifesting it, you will need to begin visualizing your desires becoming reality. One thing to remember when visualizing is to visualize it as if it has already happened. Meditation is a great tool for this part. Take some quiet time to yourself and just sit in your mind for a bit. Think about what you have manifested and how it makes you feel. Again, this is you putting the energy of your desires being real into the Universe, so the Universe is going to return that energy to you, only much stronger! Using the example from earlier about manifesting money, visualize that you got that raise. How much of a raise did you get? How did it make you feel? What are you using that extra money for? Visualize it as if it is already reality. Practice your visualizations daily.

To Affirm is to Confirm!

Another potent tool to assist in manifestation is affirmations. Affirmations can be defined as a statement of the existence or truth of something. They are simply thoughts or statements of positivity and self-empowerment and they are quite helpful when it comes to manifestation. Come up with a few affirmations that are in alignment with your desires. Once again, be sure your affirmations reflect your desires already coming true. Using our same example from earlier, you would say something like “Money flows to me in abundance and I am grateful” or “I am financially sound and stable, thank you.” Always give appreciation during your manifestation! It helps maintain the positive energy and lets the Universe (or Deity) know you are grateful for the help.

Make the visualizations and affirmations a part of your everyday routine to help you focus and keep the energy going. Stay committed to your manifestation process until you have results! Remember to be patient as it does take time for the energy to do its job. Getting frustrated or trying to rush things will only cause issues and may put a halt to any work being done toward your manifestation completely. Be patient, and be grateful!

Happy Manifesting!



Imbolc: A Gaelic celebration of Spring