Ostara: A Celebration of New Beginnings

What is an Equinox?

An equinox is a time where we have an equal amount of time for both day and night. There is a sense of balance there between the darkness and the light. We have two equinoxes a year - one in the spring and one in the fall known as the autumn equinox (also Mabon). The spring equinox is also known as the Vernal Equinox and it begins in March (on or around the 20th) in the northern hemisphere and in September (on or around the 20th) in the southern hemisphere. Ostara is one of the sabbats that is part of the Wheel of the Year, and is celebrated throughout many spiritual cultures. Ostara is celebrated on the Spring Equinox every year.

What is Ostara?

Ostara, as mentioned above, is a sabbat that is part of the Wheel of the Year. It is a pagan solar holiday that celebrates balance, renewal and rebirth. It is a time where daylight becomes longer and indicates the arrival of warmer weather. The word Ostara actually comes from the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eoster, who is the goddess of fertility, purity, beauty, youth and new beginnings. The word “Easter” is also said to possibly originate from the same word, but scholars are uncertain if this is actually true. The date that Easter is celebrated each year actually depends on both the spring equinox and the lunar cycle. Easter is celebrated on the first full moon after the spring equinox. Ostara is a beautiful time for starting new projects and planting new seeds (both literally and figuratively).

How Can You Celebrate Ostara/Spring Equinox?

-SPRING CLEANING: One thing you can do to start off your celebrations is to do a deep spring cleaning! Declutter your home, dust the furniture, etc. You can create floral floor and wall washes to wipe down your home. Remove all the old dust and build up from the long winter months and freshen up your space. I often recommend opening up the windows while doing this if possible to air everything out a bit. This may not be an option if you live in an area like I do where pollen and other allergens are in full bloom.

-CLEANSE YOUR SPACE: After cleaning your home, it is also a good idea to smudge or cleanse it using smoke, sound or sprays. This helps to remove old stagnant energy from your space. You can include the use any herb or incense associated with this time of year for this. Be sure to open some windows if using any kind of smoke.

-DECORATE: Another fun way to celebrate Ostara and the arrival of spring is to decorate your home and space with items associated with this time of year. You can bring in fresh flowers or artificial flowers to add some color to the area, and using decorative items that are light or pastel colors also works. This could be changing your throw pillows or bedding, changing your curtains or adding a colorful tablecloth to your table. Adding the colors of spring to your home helps to clear out the darkness left over from winter and invites the warmth and colorful energy of spring. You can also use items such as eggs, bunnies, chicks (or other animals) and any other item you associate with this time of year to decorate your home in celebration of Ostara and spring. Those who practice the craft and have altars can also decorate their altar using these items.

-CRAFTS: There are so many different craft projects you could do to celebrate this special holiday. Anything from creating baskets, wreathes, and flower crowns, to dying eggs will work.

-BAKING/COOKING: You can also celebrate by baking your favorite goodies or preparing a favorite meal that uses ingredients associated with spring, such as certain flowers or herbs that are prominent this time of year. One of my favorite things to make is my homemade lavender lemonade. There are many recipes online of different treats and meals you can make for Ostara.

-GARDENING: One of my favorite practices throughout the year, but especially during the spring is gardening. I love working with plants. This is a good time to clean/clear out your garden, start getting your soil ready then planting some seeds or new plants. Be mindful of the weather when doing this and make sure your area doesn’t have anymore harsh cold weather or frost coming up before planting. If you have a greenhouse, this is a good time to clean it out as well. With a greenhouse you can plant new seeds/plants anytime and just keep them in the greenhouse until the cold weather has completely gone.

-BE OUTDOORS: A simple way to enjoy all the beautiful energy that Ostara brings is just by spending a little time outdoors. Sit in the warm sun and look around you. Acknowledge all of the new growth along with all of the animals and insects that are starting to emerge from their winter homes. Connecting to nature not only grounds you, but gives you the chance to really appreciate all of the new beginnings happening all around you.

-RITUALS: Another way to celebrate Ostara is through rituals. These rituals can be rituals of renewal, or cycles. They can be cleansing rituals to remove that old, stagnant energy or a ritual to invite in and bring forth new beginnings or blessings. The possibilities are endless. Whenever possible, try doing these rituals outdoors to truly connect with nature and the energy of Ostara.

These are just a few ideas on how you can celebrate the beautiful holiday of Ostara or the spring equinox. I recommend doing some research and finding what resonates best with you. As always, I encourage you to share your ideas with us and the Sacred Raven community!

I wish you all a very magickal and blessed Ostara, my friends!

~Aela Mara


Imbolc: A Gaelic celebration of Spring